Dear had way too much fun finding these homeschool edition "Hey Girl" photos! And people are going to think you're such a dork for posting them here!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Dear Kiddos...
This summer has been flying by hasn't it?! And it's been pretty rainy...which is better than drought...but still has been a bit of a bummer at times. Like last night when we had been at State Farm pool with Grandpa and Grandma for 5 minutes and they made everyone leave because a storm was coming through. But you guys actually responded really well to that change of plans...all things considered. I was proud of you for not completely losing it! :)
But we've also been making some fun memories this summer! Like when we went miniature golfing! Here are pictures so we can remember the fun and beautiful evening!
Bear watching your ball go...
Little Peanut, you were having a ball!
Buddy, you did great!
Doozer, you made the game so much easier by always picking your ball up and putting it in a perfect spot to get it in the hole. :)
Dad and Doozer
Artsy, showing off your skills
And then cheering because you're just so fun!
And woke up and were still as happy as ever
we had fun looking at each other didn't we?
Hope we make lots more fun memories this summer.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Dear Peanut,
Here are pictures from when the little creek at the bottom of our road flooded the month we moved to our new home. You won't remember this even though you were here and saw it all with your own eyes. 
The creek that's normally a small little stream completely flooded over the bridge and TREES were floating along!
The neighbor's pond was completely overwhelmed by the water and disappeared!
The water flooded the field...
And you just held on to Daddy.
You looked concerned.
And Artsy was excited
She and Bear thought it was so exciting...
We watched the storm move away
And you gave me the sweetest expression
Buddy was kind of stressed about all the flooding
You were just excited to be out seeing it all
And of course you had nothing to worry about because you were in Daddy's arms.
It was pretty crazy but I'm glad we got pictures!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Dear Husband,
Happy Fathers' Day! Today marks 10 years since your first Fathers' Day. I think back to Fathers' Day 10 years ago, and remember how we were in the throws of making funeral arrangements for Mommy. And although much of that is a blur, my memory of you through that time is sharp and clear. I remember when the rest of us all seemed to be in a state of shock and exhaustion, I saw you quietly making important phone calls, meeting needs, organizing things that needed to be done...and I was so proud of you. I remember thinking what a strong protector you were during that time...and how you were going to be a wonderful Daddy. Looking back over these past 10 years, that has proven true in more ways than I had imagined.
I know you get embarrassed by gushy, public announcements of my love and appreciation for you. So, I will try to keep it short. :) I just wanted to tell you some of the things I most appreciate about you as a Dad.
- You pray over them every night
- You play hide 'n seek with that I don't have to :)
- You show them how to plant a to skip to to set a mouse trap :)
- You take the time to stop your busy day to be with them when they need walking down to the creek with Buddy when you could have been working on our home. You seem to know what's more important in the moment...something I often miss
- You are so selfless in helping with the kids...changing more than your share of more baths than I ever have...and not complaining about it.
- You are humble enough to say "I'm sorry" to them when you've messed up.
- You give our kids nicknames
- You create traditions that our kids love and will probably carry on with their kids
- You patiently do the "You Must Pay the Rent" bit over and over because they love it...even when you are kind of sick of it
- Although I could go on some more, I said I'd keep this short. So I will just add one more...I am thankful that you love God first, me second and the kids third. Thank you for keeping it in that order :)
I adore you and I am so thankful for your role as a father in our home. I am privileged to walk this parenting journey with you.
Love you and Happy Fathers' Day.
Happy Fathers' Day! Today marks 10 years since your first Fathers' Day. I think back to Fathers' Day 10 years ago, and remember how we were in the throws of making funeral arrangements for Mommy. And although much of that is a blur, my memory of you through that time is sharp and clear. I remember when the rest of us all seemed to be in a state of shock and exhaustion, I saw you quietly making important phone calls, meeting needs, organizing things that needed to be done...and I was so proud of you. I remember thinking what a strong protector you were during that time...and how you were going to be a wonderful Daddy. Looking back over these past 10 years, that has proven true in more ways than I had imagined.
I know you get embarrassed by gushy, public announcements of my love and appreciation for you. So, I will try to keep it short. :) I just wanted to tell you some of the things I most appreciate about you as a Dad.
- You pray over them every night
- You play hide 'n seek with that I don't have to :)
- You show them how to plant a to skip to to set a mouse trap :)
- You take the time to stop your busy day to be with them when they need walking down to the creek with Buddy when you could have been working on our home. You seem to know what's more important in the moment...something I often miss
- You are so selfless in helping with the kids...changing more than your share of more baths than I ever have...and not complaining about it.
- You are humble enough to say "I'm sorry" to them when you've messed up.
- You give our kids nicknames
- You create traditions that our kids love and will probably carry on with their kids
- You patiently do the "You Must Pay the Rent" bit over and over because they love it...even when you are kind of sick of it
- Although I could go on some more, I said I'd keep this short. So I will just add one more...I am thankful that you love God first, me second and the kids third. Thank you for keeping it in that order :)
I adore you and I am so thankful for your role as a father in our home. I am privileged to walk this parenting journey with you.
Love you and Happy Fathers' Day.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
I really wish I could call you up on the phone...even just to hear your voice. I wish so badly that I could watch you love my children...your grandbabies. There are so many times I want to ask you for advice or just know more about the past. Wouldn't you be having a ball seeing us follow your footsteps in homeschooling our kids? I'm sure you would have so many ideas for me! And even though I never enjoyed it in the moment, I miss your hard questions that would force me to reflect on my choices and whether there was a higher road. There really isn't anybody who does that in my life like you did.
Those are all things I missed about you as I stood at your grave on Mothers' Day. This year the pain of missing you and the hole you left behind was greater than I had expected. As I tried to hold back the emotion, Josh looked at me and immediately sensed my sadness. His tender heart was moved and he gently touched my hand and said, "Daddy, can we pray to Jesus since Mommy is sad because Grandma is gone?" Matt responded, " that's a very good idea...why don't you pray Josh?" Josh clasped his hands and began the sweetest and most earnest little prayer. He prayed that Jesus would help me not to be so sad...he prayed about how he missed meeting you...but then what ministered to my aching heart was when he thanks God that you were in Heaven with Jesus and he thanked Jesus that "Grandma doesn't ever have to worry about anything anymore". In that moment I couldn't hold the emotion back anymore. Tears began to flow as I was filled with gratitude for you and the peace and joy you know. And although sometimes I just want to sit in my sadness of the things I missed getting to do with you, I knew that what I wanted was to be thankful.
Often people don't realize what they have before they lose it...and I am so grateful that I always knew I had an exceptional mother! I knew I was very blessed to be your daughter. I'm thankful that you shared your heart with us so we really knew who you didn't wait till we were adults to be real with us. You trusted us with deep emotion. You believed in me more than I have ever believed in myself. You had huge dreams and high standards. Sometimes that created some overly emotional conversations! But I knew that I was blessed to have a Mom who always pushed me to a higher standard all the while never letting me forget how much you loved me. I don't think I ever once doubted that you loved me.
I still am sad that I don't get to learn more from you now as a mom and wife. But thank you Mommy, for all the personal sacrifices you made for me. For always quickly forgiving me. For always giving me lots of affection. For believing in my best. For showing me how to passionately love God. For your humility. For the countless prayers you offered up to God on my behalf.
I loved you so so much...and always will be thankful for you.
Your Bekah
I still am sad that I don't get to learn more from you now as a mom and wife. But thank you Mommy, for all the personal sacrifices you made for me. For always quickly forgiving me. For always giving me lots of affection. For believing in my best. For showing me how to passionately love God. For your humility. For the countless prayers you offered up to God on my behalf.
I loved you so so much...and always will be thankful for you.
Your Bekah
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