Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dear Kiddos,
Here are some pictures or "postcards" as we might call them here of our evening yesterday...
 Bear and Artsy helping make dinner

 The waste that needs to be thrown out...
 Buddy, your little corn seed you planted has been growing about an inch a day in the kitchen window!

 Fan that comes in handy on 90 degree days...with no air conditioning
 A beautiful, cool evening in the yard...fuzzy peaches
 Naked baby chasing a cat

 Garden inspectors

 Another cat, Fanish, in the garden
 Peanut digging in the dirt
 We look so redneck with the baby in the diaper in the yard.

 I think cabbage is lovely

 evening light

 The best tire swing ever

 The kind of summer evening I dream about all winter